For Immediate Release
Logicbroker Announces Sponsorship of Magento Imagine 2015
Available to Discuss EDI and drop ship automation for Magento at Lounge 401
Las Vegas, NV, April 20, 2015— Logicbroker, a Magento Gold Technology Partner and provider of EDI, announced today their sponsorship of Magento Imagine2015, Magento’s premier eCommerce event. Imagine will be held at the Wynn in Las Vegas, NV, from April 20th through the 22th. Imagine brings together more than 2,000 merchants, partners, developers and commerce experts from over 40 countries for networking, collaboration, and cutting-edge sessions.
While at the show, the Logicbroker team will be providing demos of their latest Magento extension, dropship360TM. With dropship360TM, merchants can easily add and rank vendors, view vendor inventory and cost listings, configure order sourcing logic, and manage Magento scheduled tasks. By leveraging the power of EDI, merchants can open up new business opportunities and rapidly onboard suppliers while expanding their product offering and maximizing margins.
“Sponsoring at Imagine has been great for us to collaborate with our merchants and partners,” said Peyman Zamani, CEO at Logicbroker. “We are very excited about the new enhancements of our dropship360 feature sets to add to our suite of solutions around supply chain data integration and automation”
As a special promotion for Imagine, attendees can visit our lounge to receive a free Logicbroker t-shirt and enter a drawing for a chance to win the new MacBook or $1,000 cash prize. Drawing will take place Wednesday 4/22 at 1pm PST at the Logicbroker Lounge. You must be present at Lounge 401 and wearing your Logicbroker t-shirt to win. Winner will have the choice of the MacBook or $1,000 cash prize. For more information about entry and to see the full list of terms and conditions, visit
To preschedule meetings with Logicbroker, please contact Rebecca Kaelin at: or 203.929.7633 ext. 215.
To learn more, visit us at Lounge 401 in the Marketplace at the Wynn.